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Membership Points
The points can be used to redeem cash vouchers and amazing gifts.
Free Shipping
Exclusive Free Shipping Fee Vouchers for SmallRig Members.
Birthday gift
Each SmallRig member will get a special gift on their birthdays.
Exclusive Extra Discount
Exclusive discount on certain products for SmallRig members.
Complimentary Engraving
Engrave a mix of emoji, text, and numbers to make items yours for free. * Coming soon
Free Customization Service
Customize a rig according to your request free of charge. *Coming soon
Earn more points, redeem more gifts.
Spend $1 = 1 point
Subscribe to SmallRig Twitter,Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube for the first time, get 50 points for each and 200 points in total.
Get 150 points monthly by sharing your favorite SmallRig items on social media.
Get points by drawing lottery
Get 200 points by completing your personal profile.
Get up to 500 points in surveys
Membership benefits can be redeemed for points, so start earning points immediately on the gear you love.
Join SmallRig Membership club, earn the points by ordering your favorite items.
100 points = 1 USD
When you check out an order, you can use available points to offset order amount.
*Points can only be used to offset a partial amount of order value.
Discount Code
Points can be redeemed for exclusive coupons/discount codes.
Free Shipping Vouchers
Points can be redeemed for exclusive free shipping fee vouchers.
SmallRig Items
Points can be redeemed for SmallRig accessories or customized rigs etc. *Coming soon.
Join SmallRig Membership and order essential accessories for your shooting devices to make your work easier and more efficient.